dilluns, 4 de juny del 2012

Revision game

http://amef00011.posterous.com/4th-eso-revision-game Past tenses http://eflatiesaltafulla.wikispaces.com/ESO+4+2011-12 Vocabulary http://www.superteachertools.com/millionaire/online/game1322390413.php

dijous, 3 de maig del 2012

Google translator

I told you! Do not use translators but dictionaries!

Have you ever heard of President More?  Have a look at this.

dimecres, 18 d’abril del 2012

dimecres, 21 de març del 2012

The mark of Zorro


1. Readers Questionnaire. Some questions cannot be answered until we finish the story.
2. VOCABULARY (3.2. Write and translate 5 words you don't understand from each chapter.)
3. SUMMARIES. Write a summary for each chapter after reading it.

I can ask and mark orrect the Zorro tasks at any moment.

The mark of zorro